
Sheil S.
2 min readOct 4, 2021

I never understood the hype towards lottery tickets until I placed a bet myself a few days ago. I felt my blood pumping, eyes wide while looking at the winning tickets. By some sort of luck, I won $20. A small, meager amount that is kind of like a prize for trying. But it was enough for me to use the winning money to purchase another ticket. And lo and behold, it amounted to nothing. I now understood why people keep coming back despite the odd chance of winning.

Being born into this world is like rolling a dice. Getting a 6 would get you into a good life, while a 1 would amount to almost nothing. A 3 or 4 will get you comfortable in life, but not at the same levels as a 6 would bring. No one can control the circumstances of their birth. It’s either you get a good life, or you have no life to live for.

Placing a bet is also a way for us to break the monotonous routine of work. We all have grandiose ambitions whenever we get ahold of the winning numbers. To fantasize about the things we could do within the palms of our hands. It is such a tranquil moment for us to relish before we return to our tedious life until we can no longer work anymore.

Maybe it’s our innate desire to change our fate that we get the same adrenaline rush when gambling. We never got a chance to roll the dice in our birth; why not try to change the outcome and roll a 6 for a change?

